This series of images shows the characteristic landscape of Cardonal-Tabaibal in the south of the island of Tenerife, in the Canary archipelago, Spain. In the lowest or basal vegetation floor, up to 400 meters on the north slope and up to 800 meters on the south, is the Cardonal-Tabaibal, also called xerophytic scrub. It is located in the coastal strip although away from the direct action of the sea. Its main characteristics are limited rainfall, strong winds, high temperatures throughout the year and a high degree of insolation. Due to these climatic conditions, its plant species have developed certain resources for survival, thus, we can observe that these shrubby or subshrub formations are characterized by being succulent plants, with fleshy, thorny stems, with little or no leaves. The species that live in this environment do so on stony soils with little organic matter. The most important are, as its own name indicates, the Tabaibas and the Cardon. The sweet Tabaiba { Euphorbia Balsamifera }, the most numerous of the different species of Tabaibas that can be seen, appear up to 300 meters above sea level; while Cardon { Euphorbia Canariensis } can be seen up to 500 meters. But in these semi-arid conditions, other endemic species also subsist, such as verodes, bejeques, cardoncillos, cornicales, guaydil, vinagrera, balo, and some species introduced from America, such as prickly pear and pita.

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