The Harmony of Chaos is an extensive ongoing research and photography art project taking place at Taman Negara Bako. 

   Taman Negara Bako is a national park in Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia. Established in 1957, it is the oldest and one of the smallest national park in Sarawak. It covers an area of 2.742 hectares at the tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula at the mouth of the Bako and Kuching river. 

   Despite the small size of the Bako National Park, it has multiple biomes { including rainforest }. Bako flora contains almost every type of plant life found in Borneo, with over 25 distinct types of vegetation from seven complete ecosystems: beach vegetation, cliff vegetation, heath forest, mangrove forest, mixed dipterocarp forest, grasslands vegetation and peat swamp forest.

   The fauna in Bako is abundant and varied. Starting with the mammals, there are 3 classes of primates, including the rare and unique proboscis monkey, endemic to Borneo. The largest mammal is the Bornean Bearded Pig, an adult male can weight more than 100 kilos. There are also some small and elusive feliform mammals such as the wild cat or the palm civet. Other medium and small mammals live in the park, most nocturnal habits. Large numbers of reptiles inhabit Bako, the largest being the Saltwater Crocodile, which can reach 6 meters in length. And the most venomous, the iconic Bornean Keeler Pit Viper snake. More than 150 species of birds have been recorded. There is also a large number and variety of Arthropod such as: insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods. There are different amphibians and fish. And to complete the fauna of the park we can also find mollusks, cnidarians, echinoderms, nematodes and flatworms.

   One of the most interesting aspects of the rainforest is the tremendous richness of plant and animal life. In Sarawak alone there are about 3.000 different species of tree and many more species of other plants such as mosses, ferns, orchids, vines and fungi. A single hectare of forest may include over a hundred different tree types. In fact the Malaysian rainforest is one of the most diverse natural habitat on the earth. The next time you walk in a rainforest, stop and look at the leaves on the ground - how many different types con you find.

   The ideal soil conditions for the development of a high tropical rainforest are those where the soil is deep, rich in nutrients and well drained but constantly available water, either retained between rain storms or supplied by the movement of water through the soil. The absence of this conditions leads to a decrease in size and number of plant species.

   The fertility of the soil at Bako is generally poor; having generated from the infertile sandstone. However, areas of relatively fertile alluvial soils are also present in the park. In the three soil factors mentioned vary considerably within the park and it is because of this that many of the forest types typical of Sarawak are recognized. 

   The mighty clouded leopard is at the top of the food chain from herbivore to carnivore. Mighty or not, he will die one day, and return to the soil. Immediately the decomposers of the rainforest will go to work on the carcass and in a few days little more than bones will mark the place where it lay.

   In general, most tree roots in the rainforest are found in the top 0.3 m or so of the soil. Some, probably a minority, have deep tap roots. It is believed that on important reason why most roots are concentrate near the surface is because most mineral nutrients are found there, resulting from the descomposition of fallen plant and animal remains. 

   Inside Bako rainforest. Some of the forest trees are very old indeed. - occasionally hundred of years. And some are truly enormous, with a few species growing to heights of 70 meters or more ! In Sarawak, the tropical forest is dominated by a tree species belonging to the Dipterocarp family, and such forest is generally called " Mixed Dipterocarp Forest ". Dipterocarp means two-winged seed, but beware as some have 3 or even " 5 wings " !

   Millions of years of erosion of the sandstone have created a coastline of steep cliffs, rocky headlands and stretches of white, sandy bays. Wave erosion at the base of the cliffs has carved many of the rocky headlands into fantastically shaped sea arches and sea stacks with colored patterns formed by iron deposition.

   Iron Patterns: Iron occurs naturally in sandstone. The water that passes through the rock dissolve some of this iron and carries it in solution form. Where the water re-emerges at the rock face, the change environmental conditions causes some of the iron to be precipitated onto the surface. In the air, the iron is oxidised to form a red coloured compound. As a result, a great variety of interesting and attractive patterns, of various concentric rings and lines are formed. 

   Iron Skin Formation: Over time, more and more iron is precipitated at the surface it gradually build up to form a skin or crust. The attractive iron patterns are therefore only found on relatively recent rock faces. On older surfaces a thick, reddish-brown skin is some usual. This skin is even harder than the sandstone, and is very resistant to erosion. Curious nodules and circles, for which there is not enough satisfactory explanations as to how it is formed, can be seen in the iron skin. 

   Iron Ridges: Because water tends to be concentrated along joints, therefore the iron precipitation is often greatest at these sites. In time the iron may form a thick band, which will remain as an upstanding ridge when the less resistant surrounding ding rock in eroded away more rapidly.

   Honeycomb Weathering: Attractive honeycomb patterns can be seen on the rock surface in a number of places, particularly around the coast. It is uncertain exactly how they are formed, but rainwater and sea-spray probably combined to cause pitting of the rock surface. As erosion proceeds, it creates a pattern of closely packed depressions separately by narrow ridge about one centimeter deep. 

   Iron Capping of Sandstone: When the resistant iron skin on the sandstone surface is broken through by water, the slightly softer rock below erodes more rapidly. This can result in some features, as in the surface " capping " of the rock on the cliffs above Teluk Pandan Kecil. 

   Note: For a better visualization of the images of this long project in which I often add new species, I have reorganized them as follows:

   -- Primates

   -- Other Mammals

   -- Reptiles

   -- Amphibians

   -- Arthropoda: Chelicerata. Crustacea. Myriapoda.

   -- Hexapoda-Insecta: Odonata. Blattodea. Isoptera. Mantodea. Orthoptera. Phasmatodea. Hemiptera. Coleoptera. Diptera. Lepidoptera. Hymenoptera. Archaeognatha.

   -- Gastropoda

   -- Other Animals: Mudskipper. Fish. Jellyfish. Starfish. Sea Cucumber. Birds. Worms.

   -- Vegetation: Flowers. Fungus. Pitcher Plants. Other Plants. Grains-Fruits-Seeds. Ferns-Mosses-Others

   -- Ecosystems-Landscape-Sunset-Santubon Mountain- Sandstone Formation-Art in Nature.  

Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Larvatus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Proboscis Monkey { Nasalis Lavartus }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Mother Silver Leaf Langur Deworm Her Baby { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Silver Leaf Langur { Preybotis Cristata }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Male Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque Mating { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque Deworming { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque and Santubong Mountain { Macaca Fascicularis }
Long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
long Tailed Macaque { Macaca Fascicularis }
Bornean Bearded Pig { Sus Babartus }
Bornean Bearded Pig { Sus Babartus }
Bornean Bearded Pig { Sus Babartus }
Immature Bornean Bearded Pig { Sus Babartus }
Bornean Bearded Pig { Sus Babartus }
Bornean Bearded Pig Digs with its Snout Looking for crabs{ Sus Barbatus }
Mother Bornean Bearded Pig with Young { Sus Babartus }
Sunda Colugo { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Sunda Colugo { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Sunda Colugo { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Sunda Colugo { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Female Sunda Colugo with Baby { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Female Sunda Colugo with Baby { Galeopterus Variegatus }
Lesser Mouse-Deer { Tragulus Kanchil }
Dark-Tailed Tree Rat { Niviventer Cremoriventer }
Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Juvenile Male Bornean Keeled Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Juvenile Male Bornean Keeled Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Juvenile Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake, maybe Female { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Juvenile Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Sub-adult Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Sub-adult Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Sub-adult Male Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
Female Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper Snake { Tropidolaemus Subannulatus }
White-Spotted Cat Snake { Boiga Drapiezii }
Banded Malayan Coral Snake { Calliopis Intestinalis }
Banded Mayalan Coral Snake { Calliophis Intestinalis }
Banded Malayan Coral Snake { Calliophis Intestinalis }
Oriental Whip Snake { Ahaetulla Prasina }
Oriental Whip Snake { Ahaetulla Prasina }
Oriental Whip Snake { Ahaetulla Prasina }
Oriental Whip Snake { Ahaetulla Prasina }
Painted Bronzebzck Snake { Dendrelaphis Pictus }
Painted Bronzeback Snake  { Dendrelaphis Pictus }
Triangle Keelback { Xenochrophis Trianguligerus }
Triangle Keelback { Xenochrophis Trianguligerus }
Triangle Keelback { Xenochrophis Trianguligerus }
Unidentified Bronzeback Snake & Giant Forest Ant { Dinomyrmex Gigas }
Spotted Keelback Snake { Xenochrophis Maculatus }
Spotted Keelback Snake { Xenochrophis Maculatus }
Banded Wolf Snake { Lycodon Subcinctus }
Banded Wolf Snake { Lycodon Subcinctus }
Banded Wolf Snake { Lycodon Subcinctus }
Immature Water Monitor Lizard { Varanus Salvator }
Roughneck Monitor Lizard { Varanus Rudicollis }
Roughneck Monitor Lizard { Varanus Rudicollis }
Green Crested Lizard { Bronchocela Cristatella }
Green Crested Lizard { Bronchocela Cristatella }
Green Crested Lizard { Bronchocela Cristatella }
Common Sun Skink Lizard { Eutropis Multifasciata }
Common Sun Skink Lizard { Eutropis Multifasciata }
Common Sun Skink { Eutropis Multifasciata }
Littoral Whiptail-Skink Lizard { Emoia Atrocostatal }
Grooved Bend-Toed Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Pubisulcus }
Grooved Bent-Toed Gecko Develop a New Tail { Cyrtodactylus Pubisulcus }
Grooved Bent-Toed Gecko Develop a New Tail { Cyrtodactylus Pubisulcus }
Banded Forest Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Consobrinus }
Double-Spotted Gecko { Gekko Monarchus }
Double-Spotted Gecko { Gekko Monarchus }
Common Four-Clawed Gecko { Gehyra Mutilata }
Common Four-Clawed Gecko { Gehyra Mutilata }
Khhls Flaying Gecko { Gekko Kuhli }
Khhls Flaying Gecko { Gekko Kuhli }
Kuhls Flaying Gecko { Gekko Kuhli }
Bornean Round-Eyed Gecko { Cnemaspis Kendallii }
Bornean Round-Eyed Gecko { Cnemaspis Kendallii }
Unknown Gecko
Unidentified Gecko, maybe Cnemaspis
Unidentified Gecko, maybe Cnemaspis
Yoshi's Bow-Fingered Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Yoshi }
Yoshi's Bow-Fingered Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Yoshi }
Yoshi's Bow-Fingered Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Yoshi }
Frilled Gecko { Hemidactylus Craspedotus }
Frilled Gecko { Hemidactylus Craspedotus }
Borneo Bow-Fingeres Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Malayanus }
Grooved Bend-Toed Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Pubisulcus }
Grooved Bend-Toed Gecko { Cyrtodactylus Pubisulcus }
Bornean Terrapin Turtle eat a Catfish
White-Lipped Frog { Chalcorona Ranicep }
White-Lipped Frog { Chalcorona Ranicep }
Dark-eared Tree Frog { Polypedates Macrotis }
Dark-eared Tree Frog { Polypedates Macrotis }
Bornean Sticky Frog { Kalophrymus Meizon }
Bornean Sticky Frog { Kalophrymus Meizon }
Bornean Sticky Frog { Kalophrymus Meizon }
Narrow-Mouthed Frog { Probably Microhila Borneensis }
Dwarf Toad { Pelophryne Signata }
Dwarf Toad { Pelophryne Signata }
Dwarf Toad { Pelophryne Signata }
Dwarf Toad { Pelophryne Signata }
Dwarf Toad { Pelophryne Signata }
Peat Swamp Frog { Limmonectes Malesianus }
Peat Swamp Frog { Limmonectes Malesianus }
Large White-Lipped Frog { Chalcoranan Megalonesa }
Large White-Lipped Frog { Chalcoranan Megalonesa }
Large White-Lipped Frog { Chalcoranan Megalonesa }
Lesser Swamp Frog { Limmonectes Leucomystax }
Lesser Swamp Frog { Limmonectes Leucomystay }
Four-Lined Tree Frog { Polypedates Leucomystax }
Four-Lined Tree Frog { Polypedates Leucomystax }
Giant River Frog { Limmonectes Leporinus }
Gaint River Frog { Lemmonectes Leporinus }
Giant River Frog { Lemmonectes Leporinus }
Unknown Frog
Unknown Frogs
Borneo Grainy Frog { Kalophrynus Heterochirus }
Borneo Grainy Frog { Kalophrynus Heterochirus }
Borneo Grainy Frog { Kalophrynus Heterochirus }
Borneo Grainy Frog { Kalophrynus Heterochirus }
Male Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Male Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Male Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Male Black[spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Female Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Female Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Female Black-spotted Sticky Frog { Kalophrynus Pleurostima }
Puddle Frog { Occidozyga Laevis }
Torrent Frog { Ranidae Meristogenys }
Torrent Frog { Ranidae Meristogenys }
Torrent Frog { Ranidae Meristogenys }
Torrent Frog { Ranidae Meristogenys }
Running Crab Spider { Philodromidae }
Giant Crab Spider { Heteropoda Venatoria }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider preys on other spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider preys on other spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider preys on other spider { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Black-Jaw Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac { Heteropoda-Tetrica }
Giant Crab Spider { Heteropoda Venatoria }
Giant Crab Spider { Heteropoda Venatoria }
Ant-Hunting Spider Capture and Kill an Ant { Zororiidae. Probably Storosa }
Orange Huntsman Spider Hold and protect their Eggs Sac with They pedipalps { Heteropoda Sparassidae }
Purple Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda Lanula }
Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda Sparasiidae }
Lichen Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda Pandercetes }
Unidentified Heteropoda Huntsman Spider
Unidentified Heteropoda Huntsman Spider
Unidentified Heteropoda Huntsman Spider
Unidentified Heteropoda Huntsman Spider
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Heteropoda Huntsman Spider
Unknown Spider
Unknown Spider
Unknown Spider
Stretch Spider { Arachnida-Tetragnatha }
Stretch Spider { Arachnida-Teragnatha }
Stretch Spider { Arachnida-Tetragnatha }
Nursey Web Spider Pisauridae
Nursey Web Spider Pisauridae
Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Venatoria }
Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-Venatoria }
Huntsman Spider Thelcticopis sp
Huntsman Spider Thelcticopis sp
Huntsman Spider { Thelcticopis sp }
Huntsman Spider { Thelcticopis sp }
Unidentified Spider, maybe Pandercetes { Lichen Huntsman Spider }
Unidentified Spider, maybe Pandercetes { Lichen Huntsman Spider }
Unknown Spider
Unknown Spider
Unidentified Purple-Brown Spider
Unidentified Purple-Brown Spider
Huntsman Spider, probably Pandercetes { Lichen Huntsman Spider }
Huntsman Spider, probably Pandercetes { Lichen Huntsman Spider }
Huntsman Spider, probably Pandercetes { Lichen Huntsman Spider }
Unidentified Spider, maybe Ctenidae { Wandering Spider }
Unidentified Spider, maybe Ctenidae { Wandering Spider }
Male Metallic Blue Jumping Spider { Thiania Bhamoensis }
Fishing Spider { Nilus Albocinctus }
Fishing Spider { Nilus Albocinctus }
Fishing Spider { Nilus Albocinctus }
Giant Orange Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda sp } That has lost two legs on the left side
Giant Orange Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda sp } That has lost two legs on the left side
Unidentified Spider, mimic-face in the abdomen, and X in the cephalothorx
Unidentified Spider, mimic-face in the abdomen, and X in the cephalothorax
Unidentified Spider, mimic-face in the abdomen, and X in the cephalothorax
Unidentified Spider, mimic-face in the abdomen, and X in the cephalothorax
Unidentified Spider preys on alate termite
Unidentified Spider preys on alate termite
Unidentified Spider preys on alate termite
Unidentified Spider preys on alate termite
Huntsman Spider Feed on a Prey { Heteropoda sp }
Huntsman Spider Feed on a Prey { Heteropoda sp }
David Bowie Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-davidbowie }
David Bowie Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-davidbowie }
David Bowie Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-davidbowie }
David Bowie Huntsman Spider { Heteropoda-davidbowie }
Huntsman Spider { Gnathopalystes sp }
Huntsman Spider { Gnathopalystes sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp } in its web
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Wrap-Around Spider { Dolophones sp }
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Spider
probably The Red and Silver Dewdrop Spider { Argyrodes Flavescens }
Probably The Red and Silver Dewdrop Spider { Argyrodes Flavescens }
Unidentified Red & Black Spider, perhaps Argyrodes, kills and wraps with silk a winged termite that has fallen into its web
Unidentified Red & Black Spider, perhaps Argyrodes, kills and wraps with silk a winged termite that has fallen into its web
Unidentified Red & Black Spider, perhaps Argyrodes, kills and wraps with silk winged termite that has fallen into its web
Unidentified red & Black Spider, perhaps Argyrodes, kills and wraps with silk a winged termite that has fallen into its web
Unidentified Red & Black spider, perhaps Argyrodes, kills and wraps with silk a winged termite that has fallen into its web
Unknown Spider
Translucent Green Jumping Spider { Onomastus sp }
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac
Unidentified Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac
Unidentified Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac
Unidentified Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac
Unidentified Huntsman Spider with Eggs Sac
Spider Burrow in the Hollow of a Fallen Tree
Spider Web in the Forest
Spider Web in the Forest
Spider Web in the Forest
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Asian Forest Scorpion { Heterometrus Spinfer }
Juvenile Unknown Scorpion
Wild-Looking Harvestman. Metepedanus Venator { Opilione-Epedanidae }
Wild-Looking Harvestman. Metepedanus Venator { Opilione-Epedanidae }
Wild-Looking Harvestman. Metepedanus Venator { Opilione-Epedanidae }
Unidentified Harvestman { Arachnida-Opiliones }
Unidentified Harvestman { Arachnida-Opiliones }
Unidentified Harvestman { Arachnida-Opilione }
Unidentified Harvestman { Arachnida-Opiliones }
Horseshoe Crab { Limutus Polyphemus }
Hermit Crab { Ceonobita Rugosus }
Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crab { Ceonobita Rugosus }
Hermit Crab { Coenobita Violascens }
Hermit Crab { Ceonobita Rugosus }
Hermit Crab
Viola Land Hermit Crab { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab { Coenoobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in a Toy Plastic Car in the Mangrove { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in Courtship and Mating { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in Courtship and Mating { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in Courtship and Mating { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in Courtship and Mating { Coenobita Violascens }
Viola Land Hermit Crab in Courtship and Mating { Coenobita Violascens }
Male Blue Fiddler Crab { Gelasimus Tetrogonon }
Female Blue Fiddler Carb { Gelasimus Tetrogonon }
Female Blue Fiddler Crab { Gelasimus Tetrogonon }
Male Ring-Legged Fiddler Crab { Austruca Annulipes }
Male Ring-Legged Fiddler Crab { Austruca Annulipes }
Male Ring-Legged Fiddler Crab { Austruca Annulipes }
Tree-Climbing Crab { Scandarma Splendidun } Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae
Tree-Climbing Crab { Scandarma Splendidun } Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis }
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis }
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therovopoda Longicornis }
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis }
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis }
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } with Tettigonidae Bush Cricket Nymph { Maybe Conocepalus } on one of its legs
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } Fedds on a Cricket
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } Feeds on a Huntsman Spider
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } Feeds on a Huntsman Spider
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } Feeds on a Huntsman Spider
Long-Legged Cave Centipedes { Therevopoda Longicornis } Feeds on a Huntsman Spider
Orange-Legged Centipedes { Scolopendra Subspinipes }
Orange-Legged Centipedes { Scolopendra Subspinipes }
Orange-Legged Centipedes { Scolopendra Subspinipes }
Orange-Legged Centipedes { Scolopendra Subspinipes }
Probably Rusty Millipedes { Trigoniulus Corallinus }
Probably Rusty Millipedes { Trigoniulus Corallinus }
Bronze Flutterer Dragonfly { Rhyothemis Obsolescens }
Bronze Flutterer Dragonfly { Rhyothemis Obsolescens }
Spine-Tufted Skimmer Male { Orthetrum Chrysis }
Male Spine-Tufted Skimmer Dragonfly { Orthetrum Chrysis }
Female Neurothemis Ramburii Dragonfly
Female Dragonfly { Neurothemis Ramburii
Female Neurothemis Ramburii Dragonfly
Male Treehugger Dragonfly { Tyriobapta Torrida }
Male Treehugger Dragonfly { Tyriobapta Torrida }
Female Treehugger Dragonfly { Tyriobapta Torrida }
Female Treehugger Dragonfly { Tyriobapta Torrida }
Male Straight-Edge Red Parasol { Neurothemis Terminata }
Male Straight-Edge Red Parasol Dragonfly { Neurathemis Terminata }
Male Straight-Edge Red Parasol { Neurathemis Terminata }
Male Straight-Edge Red Parasol Dragonfly { Neurathemis Terminata }
Female Straight-Edge Red Parasol { Neurothemis Terminata }
Female Straight-Edge Red Parasol { Neurothemis Terminata }
Grenadier Dragonfly { Agrionoptera Insignis }
Male Asiatic Blood Tail { Lathrecista Asiatica } or Grenadier { Agrionoptera Insignis }
Male Asiatic Blood Tail Dragonfly { Lathrecista Asiatica ] o Grenadier { Agrionoptera Insignis }
Male Asiatic Blood Tail { Lathrecista Asiatica }
Male Asiatic Blood Tail { Lathrecista Asiatica }
Female Red Grasshawk { Neurothemis Fluctuans }
Unknown Black & Yellow Dragonfly, Maybe Gomphidae
Unknown Black & Yellow Dragonfly, Maybe Gomphidae
Unknown Black & Yellow Dragonfly, Maybe Gomphidae
Unknown Black & Yellow Dragonfly, Maybe Gomphidae
Darkmouth Dragonfly { Brachydiplax Duivenbodei }
Male Pixie Dragonfly { Brachygonia Oculata }
Line Forest-Skimmer Dragonflies Mating { Cratilla Lineata }, the male has something hanging from his abdomen, maybe part of the moult.
Line Forest-Skimmer Dragonflies Mating { Cratilla Lineata }, the male has something hanging from his abdomen, maybe part of the moult. {
Club-Tailed Dragonfly { Leptogomphus Coomansi }
Common Parasol Dragonfly { Neurothemis Fluctuans }
Handsome Grenadier Dragonfly { Agrionoptera Sexlineata }
Handsome Grenadier Dragonfly { Agrionoptera Sexlineata }
Unknown Dragonfly. Maybe Cratilla
Scarlet Pygmy Dragonfly { Nannophya Pygmaea }
Slender Skimmer Dragonfly { Orthetrum Sabina }
Slender Skimmer Dragonfly { Orthetrum Sabina }
Variable Sentinel Dragonfly { Orchithemis Pulcherrima }
Unknown Odonata at Night
Male Blue-Sided Satinwing { Euphaea Ochracea }
Clear-Winged Forest Glory Damselfly { Vestalis Gracilis }
Clear-Winged Forest Glory Damselfly { Vestalis Gracilis }
Clear-Winged Flash-Wing Damselfly at Night { Vestalis Gracilis }
Orange-Backed Threastail Damselfly { Prodasineura Croconata }
Maybe Ochraceous Darkie { Euphaea Ochracea }
Orange-Tailed Marsh Dart Damselfly Mating { Ceriagrion Cerinorubellum }
Orange-Tailed Marsh Dart Damselfly Mating { Ceriagrion Cerinorubellum }
Orange-Tailed Marsh Dart Damselfly Mating { Ceriagrion Cerinorubellum }
Female Armored Cockroach { Catara Rugosicollis }
Male Armored Cockroach { Catara Rugosicollis }
Male Armored Cockroach { Catara Rugosicollis }
Male Armored Cockroach { Catara Rugosicollis }
Male Armored Cockroach { Catara Rugosicollis }
Forest Cockroach { Ectobius Sylvestris }
Giant Cockroach { Blattodea Blaberidae }
Nymph Pseudophoraspis Nebulosa or Rhicnoda Desidiosa Cockroach { Blattodea Blaberidae }
Rhabdoblatta Cockroach { Blattodea Blaberidae }
Morphna Dotata Cockroach { Blattodea Blaberidae }
Morphna Dotata Cockroach { Blattodea Blaberidae }
Margattea Longealata Cocroach { Blattodea Ectobiidae }
Margattea Longealata Cocroach { Blattodea Ectobiidae }
Surinam Cockroach { Pycnoscelus Surinamensis }
Giant Cockroach { Morphna Maculata }
Giant Cocroach { Morphna Maculata }
Unknown Pale-banded Cockroach { Maybe Drymaplaneta }
Unknown Pale-banded Cockroach { Maybe Drymaplaneta }
Unknown Pale-banded Cockroach { Maybe Drymaplaneta }
Unknown Black and White Cockroach { Maybe Sundablatta }
Unknown Green Cockroach
Unknown Green Cockroach
American Cockroach Laying Egg Ootheca { Periplaneta Americana }
American Cockroach Laying Egg Ootheca { Periplaneta Americana }
American Cockroach Laying Egg Ootheca { Periplaneta Americana }
Margattea Obtusiform Cockroach
Margattea Obtusiform Cockroach
Termite { Isoptera Termitidae }
Termite Mound
Termite Mound
Golden-Armed Mantis { Hierodula Venosa }
Golden-Armed Mantis { Hierodula Venosal }
Golden-Armed Mantis { Hierodula Venosal }
Female Dead Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Female Dead Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Female Dead Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Female Deaf Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Female Deaf Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Male Deaf Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Male Deaf Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Male Deaf Leaf Mantis { Deroplatys Lobata }
Giraffe Mantis { Euchomenella Heteroptera }
Giraffe Mantis { Euchomenella Heteroptera }
Giraffe Mantis { Euchomenella Heteroptera }
Giraffe Mantis { Euchomenella Heteroptera }
Unknown Bush Cricket Tettigoniidae Nypmh { maybe Conocepalus }
Unknown Bush Cricket Tettigoniidae Nymph { maybe Conocepalus }
Unknown Bush Cricket Tettigoniidae Nymph { maybe Conocepalus }
Unknown Bush Cricket Tettigoniidae Nymph { maybe Conocepalus }
Meadow Katydid Nymph { Orthoptera Conocephalus }
Short-Horned Grasshopper { Phlaeoba Antennata }
Short-Horned Grasshopper { Phlaeoba Antennata }
Groundhopper { Tetrigidae Tetrigoidea }
Small Rice Grasshopper { Oxya Hyla Intrincata }
Ground Cricket { Probably Nemobiinae }
Ground Cricket { Probably Nemobiinae }
Dragon-Head Katydid { Ellatodon Blanchardi }
Dragon-Head Katydid { Ellatodom Blanchardi }
Brown Conehead Katydid { Probably Lopiphorinae Tettigoniidae }
Female Bush Cricket Nymph Tettigoniidae { Probably Conocephalus }
Short-Horned Grasshopper { Phlaeoba Antennata }
Short-Horned Grasshopper { Phlaeoba Antennata }
Small Rice Grasshopper { Oxya Hyla Intrincata }
Small Rice Grasshopper { Oxya Hyla Intrincata }
Cave Cricket { Ensifera Rhaphidophoridae }
Giant Leaf Katydid { Rhomboptera Semilunata }
Groundhopper { Tetrigidae Tetrigoidea }
Conehead Katydid Tettigoniidae { Maybe Conocephalinae }
Pseudophyllinae Bush Cricket { Orthoptera-Tettigoniidae }
Pseudophyllinae Bush Cricket { Orthoptera-Tettigoniidae }
Unknown Giant Cricket { Maybe Anostostomatidae }
Cardiodactylus Guttulus Cricket
Cardiodactylus Guttulus Cricket
Cardiodactylus Guttulus Cricket
Cardiodactylus Guttulus Cricket
Unidentified Cardiodactylus Cricket
Unidentified Cardiodactylus Cricket
Unidentified Cardiodactylus Cricket
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unknown Tiny Cricket & Dry Flower
Unidentified Cricket, Maybe Cardiodactylus
Unidentified Cricket, Probably Cardidactylus
Unidentified Cricket, Probably Cardiodactylus
Unidentified Cricket, Probably Cardiodactylus
Camel Cricket Rhaphidophoridae
Camel Cricket Rhaphidophoridae
Camel Cricket Rhaphidophoridae
Unknown Cricket
Unknown Cricket
Unidentified Cricket
Cricket Nisitrus Brunnerianus
Cricket Nisitrus Brunnerianus
Cricket Nisitrus Brunnerianus
Forest Floor Katydid Nymph { Lipotactes Alienus }
Leaf-Folding Cricket { Larnaca Nigrata }
Leaf-Folding Cricket { Larnaca Nigrata }
Female Spider Face Leaf-Rolling Cricket { Nunkeria Brachis }
Female Spider Face Leaf-Rolling Cricket { Nunkeria Brachis }
Female Spider Face Leaf-Rolling Cricket { Nunkeria Brachis }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus Gallinaceus }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus Gallinaceus }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus Gallinaceus }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus Gallinaceus }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus Gallinaceus }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus sp }
Leaf Mimic Grasshopper { Chorotypus sp }
Short-Horned Grasshopper Nymph, maybe Traulia
Short-Horned Grasshopper Nymph, maybe Traulia
Short-Horned Grasshopper Nymph, maybe Traulia
Short-Horned Grasshopper, probably Traulia Ornata
Short-Horned Grasshopper, probably Traulia Ornata
Short-Horned Grasshopper, probably Traulia Ornata
Short-Horned Grasshopper, probably Traulia Ornata
Short-Horned Grasshopper Nymph, maybe Melanoplus
Short-Horned Grasshopper Nymph, maybe Melanoplus
Monkey Grasshopper Nymph Erucius
Monkey Grasshopper Nymph Erucius
Monkey Grasshopper Nymph Erucius
Dragon-Headed Katydid { Lesina Karnyi } Secrete a white substance from the abdomen that he eats
Dragon-Headed Katydid { Lesina Karnyi } Eating a white substance that is secreted from the abdomen
Dragon-Headed Katydid { Lesina Karnyi } Eating a white substance that is secreted from the abdomen
Dragon-Headed Katydid { Lesina Karnyi } Eating a white substance that is secreted from the abdomen
Forest Floor Katydid Metamorphosis { Lipotactes Maculatus }
Forest Floor Katydid Metamorphosis { Lipotactes Maculatus }
Forest Floor Katydid Metamorphosis { Lipotactes Maculatus }
Yellow-Striped Black Grassopper { Traulia Azureipennis }
Yellow-Striped Black Grasshopper { Traulia Azureipennis }
Yellow-Striped Black Grasshopper { Traulia Azureipennis }
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Conehead Katydid
Female Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Female Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Male Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Male Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Male Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Male Black-Faced Conehead Katydid { Peracca Subulicerca }
Unidentified Black-Face Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Black-Faced Conehead Katydid
Unidentified Black-Faced Conehead Katydid Feeding
Unidentified Black-Faced Conehead Katydid Feeding
Unidentified Black-Faced Conehead Katydid Feeding
Unidentified Striped-Eyed Grasshopper
Unidentified Striped-Eyed Grasshopper
Unidentified Striped-Eyed Grasshopper
Unidentified Striped-Eyed Grasshopper
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae
Unidentified Bush Cricket
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae { maybe Liotrachela Hyalina }
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae { maybe Liotrachela Hyalina }
Leaf Katydid Phaneropterinae { maybe Liotrachela Hyalina }
Phyllomimus Bush Cricket { Orthptera-Pseudophyllinae }
Phyllomimus Bush Cricket { Orthoptera-Pseudophyllinae }
Small Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Scabra }
Small Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Scabra }
Small Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Scabra }
Small Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Scabra }
Stick Insets { Lonchodidae }
Stick Insect { Haaniella }
Stick Insect { Phasmatodea Lonchodidae }
Male Stick Insect { Haaniella Saussurei }
Stick Insect Mating { Probably Lomchodidae }
Stick Insect { Phasmatodea Lomchodidae }
Green Slender Stick Insect { Acuacus Sapuani }
Green-Slender Stick Insect { Acacus Sapuani }
Spiny Stick Insect { Epidares Nolimetangere }
Spiny Stick Insect { Epidares Nolimetangere }
Phasmatodea  Stick Insect, probably lonchodidae
Phasmatodea Stick Insect, probably Lonchodidae
Phasmatodea Stick Insect, probably Necrosciinae-Asceles
Phasmatodea Stick Insect, probably Necrosciinae-Aseles
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Prickly Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Echinata }
Unidentified Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Unidentified Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Unidentified Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Saussure"s Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Saussurei }
Saussure"s Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Saussurei }
Saussure"s Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Saussurei }
Lonchodini Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodinae }
Lonchodini Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodinae }
Lonchodini Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodinae }
Haan"s Haaniella  Stick Insect { Haaniella-Dehaanii } probably female nymph
Haan"s Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Dehaanii } probably female nymph
Haan"s Haaniella Stick Insect { Haaniella-Dehaanii } probably female nymph
Unidentified Lonchodidae Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Unidentified Lonchodidae Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Unidentified Lonchodidae Stick Insect Phasmatodead
Staelonchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodeea-Lonchodinae }
Staelonchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodinae }
Staelonchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Staelonchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Staelomchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Staelonchodes Amaurops Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Lonchodes Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Lonchodes Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Lonchodes Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Lonchodes Stick Insect { Phasmatodea-Lonchodidae }
Unidentified Lonchodidae Stick Insect Phasmatodea
Pylaemenes Sepilokensis Stick Insect
Pylaemenes Sepilokensis Stick Insect
Pylaemenes Sepilokensis Stick Insect
White-Cross Seed Bug { Neacoryphus Bicrucis }
White-Cross Seed Bug { Neacoryphus Bicrucis } Hemiptera Lygaeidae }
White-Cross Seed Bug { Neacoryphus Bicrucis }
Cotton Stainer Bug Nymph { Dysdercus Decussatos }
Assassin Bug { Cosmolestes Picticeps }
Assassin Bug { Cosmolestes Reduviidae }
Water Bug { Hemiptera Gerridae }
Water Bug { Hemiptera Gerridae }
Water Bug { Hemiptera Gerridae }
Water Bug { Hemiptera-Gerridae }
Cicada { Hemiptera-Cicadoidea } Probably Orientopsaltvia Agatha
Cicada { Hemiptera-Cicadoidea } Probably Orientopsaltvia Agatha
Cicada Metamorphosis { Hemiptera-Cicadoidea }
Cicada Exuviae
Cicada Exuviae
Cicada Exuviae
Assassin Bug { Cosmolestes Picticeps }
Planthopper Penthicodes Farinosus { Hemiptera-Fulgoridae }
Planthopper Penthicodes Farinosus { Hemiptera-Fulgoridae }
Planthopper Penthicodes Bimaculata { Hemiptera-Fulgoridae }
Giant Stink Bug Nymph { Pycanum Rubens } Hemiptera-Tessaratomidae
Leaf-Footed Bug { Hemiptera Coreidae }
Leaf-Footed Bug { Hemiptera Coreidae }
Leaf-Footed Bug { Hemiptera Coreidae }
Leaf-Footed Bug { Hemiptera Coreidae }
Assassin Bug { Hemiptera-Reduwiidae } Maybe Millipedes Assassin { Rhiginia Cinctiventris }
Assassin Bug { Hemiptera-Reduwiidae } Maybe Millipedes Assassin { Rhiginia Cinctiventris }
Leaf Beetle { Coleoptera Crysomelidae }
Leaf Beetle { Coleoptera Crysomelidae }
Red-Legged Darkling Beetle { Strongylium Erythrocephalum }
Dung Beetle { Scarabaeidae }
Ladybug Beetles { Coleoptera-Coccinellidae } in Jack-Beans Canavalia Flowers { Fabaceae " Gladiata o Ensiformis o Rosea " }
Giant Palm Weevil Beetle { Macrochirus Praetor }
Giant Palm Weevil Beetle { Macrochirus Praetor }
Giant Palm Weevil Beetle { Macrochirus Praetor }
Giant Palm Weevil Beetle { Macrochirus Praetor }
Male Tortoise Beetle { Basiprionota Decempustulata } Coleoptera-Chrysomelidae
Male Tortoise Beetle { Basiprionota Decempustulata } Coleoptera-Chrysomelidae
Black Longhorn Beetle { Trachystola Granulata } Coleoptera-Cerambycidae
Black Longhorn Beetle { Trachystola Granulata } Coleoptera-Cerambycidae
Darkling Beetle { Eucyrtu sp. } Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae
Darkling Beetle { Eucyrtu sp. } Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae
Darkling Beetle { Eucyrtu sp. } Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae
Darkling Beetle { Eucyrtu sp. } Coleoptera-Tenebrionidae
Pleasing Fungus Beetle { Triplatoma } Coleoptera-Erotylidae
Pleasing Fungus Beetle { Triplatoma } Coleoptera-Erotylidae
Tiger Beetle { Heptodonta Analis } Coleoptera-Cicindelinae
Tiger Beetle { Heptodonta Analis } Coleptera-Cicindelinae
Tiger Beetle { Heptodonta Analis } Coleoptera-Cicindelinae
Unidentified Beetle, maybe Chrysomelidae
Swarm of Beetle Larvae { Coleopptera Dermestidae }
Swarm of Beetle Larvae { Coleoptera Dermestidae }
Robber Fly feeds on its prey { Diptera Asilidae }
Robber Fly Feeds on Its Prey { Diptera Asilidae }
Robber Fly Kills and Feeds on a Wasp
Mosquito { Diptera Culicidae }
Asian Long-Legged Fly { Condylostylus Dolichopodidae }
Hover Fly { Diptera Syrphidae }
Grey Pansy Butterfly { Junonita Atlites }
Dark Blue Glassy Tiger Butterfly { Ideopsis Vulgaris }
Dark Blue Grassy Tiger Butterfly Just a Few Minutes After Metamorphosis { Ideopsis Vulgaris }
Dark Blue Glassy Tiger Butterfly { Ideopsis Vulgaris }
Wide-Brand Grass-Dart { Suniana Sunias Sunias }
Wide-Brand Grass-Dart Butterfly { Suniana Sunias Sunias }
Rustic Butterfly { Cupha Erymanthis }
Rustic Butterfly { Cupha Erymanthis }
Silver Forget-Me-Not Butterfly { Catochrysops Panormus }
Chocolate Pansy Butterfly { Junonia Hedonia }
Lesser Grass Blue Butterfly Mating { Zizina Otis }
Malay Yeoman Butterfly Perched on My Shoe { Cirrochroa Emalea Emalea }
Four-Footed Butterfly { Probably Nymphalidae Family }
Unknow Butterfly Maybe Archdukes
Broad Yellow Oakblue Butterfly { Arhopala Amphimuta }
Broad Yellow Oakblue Mating { Arhopala Amghimuta }
Magnificent Oakblue Butterfly { Arhopala Anarte Anarte }
Malay Viscount Butterfly { Tanaecia Pelea }
Malayan Grass Yellow Butterfly { Earema Nicevillei }
Malayan Grass Yellow Butterfly { Earema Nicevillei }
Common Archduke Butterfly { Lexias Pardalis }
Baby Lascar { Pantoporia Aurelia }
Baby Lascar { Pantoporia Aurelia }
Gypsy Moth { Lymantria Dispar }
Tropical Swallowtail Moth { Lyssa Zampa }
Tropical Swallowtail Moth { Lyssa Zampa }
Tropical Swallowtail Moth { Lyssa Zampa }
Unknow Moth Maybe Ischyja Genus
Unknow Moth Maybe Ischyja Genus with Tiny Transparent Snail
Unknow Moth Maybe Ischyja Genus
Unknow Moth
Unknown Moth
Metaphoenia Plagifera Moth
Unknown Moth Maybe Lophoptera
White Plume Moth { Pterophorus Pentadactyla }
Vampire Moth { Calyptra Thalictri }
Vampire Moth { Calyptra Thalictri }
Unknow Moth
Unknown Moth
Unknown Moth
Unknown Moth
Unknown Moth Maybe Avatha Genus
Unknown Moth
Fuzzy Grey and Black Caterpillar { Probably Erebidae }
Fuzzy Grey and Black Caterpillar { Probably Erebidae }
Fuzzy Grey and Black Caterpillar Strangely Decapitated ? { Probably Erebidae }
Fuzzy Grey and Black Caterpillar Strangely Decapitated ? { Probably Erebidae }
Archduke Caterpillar { Lexias Pardalis } { Nymphalidae Butterfly }
Moth Caterpillar { Lepidoptera Limacodidae }
Moth Caterpillar { Lepidoptera Limacodidae }
Moth Caterpillar { Lepidoptera Limacodidae }
Striped Blue Crow Butterfly Caterpillar { Euploea Mulciber }
Striped Blue Crow Butterfly Caterpillar { Euploea Mulciber }
Striped Blue Crow Butterfly Caterpillar { Euploea Mulciber }
Unknown Bluish and Hairy Caterpillar
Unknown Bluish and Hairy Caterpillar
Unknown Black-Blue-Orange Hairy Caterpillar
Unknown Black-Blue-Orange Hairy Caterpillar
Unknown Black-Blue-Orange Hairy Caterpillar
Giant Forest Ant { Dinomyrmex Gigas }
Giant Forest Ant with Something in the Mandibles { Dinomyrmex Gigas }
Giant Forest Ant carries a Beetle Larva Molt { Dinomyrmex Gigas }
Giant Forest Ant { Dinomyrmex Gigas }
Giant Forest Ant { Dinomyrmex Gigas } with Pupae in Jaw
Silver Spiny Sugar Ant { Polyrhachis Schlueter }
Silver Spiny Sugar Ant { Polyrhachis Schlueter }
Silver Spiny Sugar Ant { Polyrhachis Schlueter }
Silver Spiny Sugar Ant { Polyrhachis Schlueter }
Asian Weaver Ant { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
Asian Weaver Ant { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
Asian Weaver Ant Colony Make a Nest { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
Asian Weaver Ant Colony Make a Nest { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
Asian Weaver Ant Colony Make a Nest { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
Asian Weaver Ant Group Transport a Termite Wing { Oecophylla Smaragdina }
A Group of Asian Weaver Ant { Oecophylla Smaragdina } Carried a Antlion Larvae { Neuroptera Myrmelontidae }
Fish Hook Ant { Polyrhachis Bihamata }
Fish Hook Ant { Polyrhachis Bihamata }
Fish Hook Ant { Polyrhachis Bihamata }with Pupa in the Jaw
Two Fish Hook Ant { Polyrhachis Bihamata } Pupa in the Jaw
Longhorn Crazy Ant { Paratrechina Longicornis }
Paper Wasp { Hymenoptera Polistinae }
Paper Wasp { Hymenoptera Polistinae }
Potter Wasp Sleep at Night { Phimenes Flavopictus }
Potter Wasp { Eumeninae }
Stingless Bees Hive in the Nest { Tetrigona Binghami }
Jumping Bristletail, probably Machilidae
Jumping Bristletail, probably Machilidae
Jumping Bristletail, probably Machilidae
Jumping Bristletail, probably Machilidae
Hairy Land Snail { Cyclotus Biciliatus }
Hairy Land Snail { Cyclotus Biciliatus }
Hairy Land Snail { Cyclotus Biciliatus }
Ariophantid Snail { Vitrinula Glutinosa } with 1 long tentacle on the surface of the shell, these structure are in fact a penis which exceed the periphery of the shell.
Ariophantid Snail { Vitrinula Glutinosa }
Ariophantid Snail { Vitrinula Glutinosa }
Air-Breating Land Snail { Probably Dyakia Duumvirorum
Air-Breathing Land Snail { Probably Quantula Striata }
Air-Breathing Land Snail { Probably Quantula Striata }
Probably Lapidary Air-Breathing Land Snail { Helicigona Lapicida }
Probably Lapidary Air-Breathing Land Snail { Helicigona Lapicida }
Unknow land Snail Gastropod { Maybe Alycaeus }
Unknow Cave Snail Gastropod
Unknow Cave Snail Gastropod
Unknow Land Snail Gastropod Laying Eggs
Sea Snail { Nerita Balteata }
Sea Snail { Nerita Balteata }
Leatherleaf Slug { Veronicella Cubensis }
Leatherleaf Slug { Veronicella Cubensis }
Mudskipper { Periophthalmus sp }
Mudskipper { Periophthalmus sp. }
Mudskipper { Periophthalmus sp }
Mudskipper { Periophthalmus sp }
Hill Stream Catfish { Glyptothorax Major }
True Jellyfish Died on the Beach { Cnidaria Scyphozoa }
True Jellyfish Died on the Beach { Scyphozoa Cnidaria }
Plain Sand Star { Astropecten Indicus }
Unknow Starfish
Strange Creature, maybe See Cucumber
River Kingfisher Sleep at Night { Alcedo Atthis }
Hammerhead Worms { Bipalium Geoplanidae }
Sea Hibiscus Flowers. { Hibiscus Tiliaceus }
Singapore Rhododendron Flower { Melastoma Malabathricum }
Singapore Rhododendron { Melastoma Malabathricum }
West Indian Jasmine { Ixora Coccinea }
West Indian Jasmine Flower Bud { Ixora Coccinea }
Singapore Daisy { Sphagneticola Trilobata }
Singapore Daisy { Sphagneticola Trilobata }
Pong-Pong Plant Flower { Cerbera Odollan }
Alpina Galanga Flower " Lengkuas " { Zingiberaceae }
Air Simpoh Flower { Dilleniaceae Suffruticosa }
Dancing Ladies Flowers { Globba Winitii }
Chinese Violet Flower { Asystasia Gangetica }
Chinese Violet { Asystasia Gangetica }
Scurvy Weed Flower { Commelia Cyanea }
Jack-Beans Flower { Canavalia Fabaceae { Gladiata o Ensiformis o Rosea }
Spider Lily Flowers { Crinum Asiaticum }
Lysionatus Puciflorus Flowers { Gesneriaceae }
Ploiarium Elegans { Bonnetiaceae }
Siamese-Ginger Buds { Alpinia Galanga }
Primulina Dryas Flowers { Gesneriaceae }
Evergreen Shrub Flower and Buds { Medinilla Crassifolia }
Erect Herbs Flowers { Burmannia Disticha }
Erect Herbs Flowers { Burmannia Disticha }
Coastal Morning Glory { Ipomaea Pes-caprae }
Verbena Flowering Plant { Lantana Camara }
Pale Umbrella Orchid { Bulbophyllum Longiflorum }
Araceae Plant Flowers { probably Xanthosoma Sagittifolium }
Physalacriaceae Fungus, probably Oudemansiella.
Fungus { Microporus Xanthopus }
Fungus { Maybe Laccaria Hydnangiaceae
Fungi { Coprinellus Psathyrellaceae }
Fungus { Probably Laccaria Hydnangiaceae }
Bracket Fungus { Polypore }
Laccaria Fungus
Yellow-Footed Polypore Fungus { Microporus Xanthopus }
Yellow-footed Polypore Fungus { Microporus Xanthopus }
Yellow-footed Polypore Fungus { Microporus Xanthopus }
Panus Similis Fungus { Polyporaceae }
Smooth Chanterelle Fungus { Cantharellus Lateritius }
Bolete Fungus { Pulveroboletus Ravenelii }
Bolete Fungus { Pulveroboletus Ravenelli }
Shaggy Bracket Fungus { Inonotus Hispidus }
Shaggy Bracket Fungus { Inonotus Hispidus }
Probably Hortiboletus { Boletaceae }
Probably Hortiboletues { Boletaceae }
White Rot Saprobic Fungus { Pycnoporus Sanguineus }
Laccaria Fungus { Probably Hydnangiaceae }
Laccaria Fungus { Probably Hydnangiaceae }
Unknown Fungus
Physalacriaceae Fungus { Probably Oudemansiella }
Maitake Fungus { Grifola Frondosa }
Probably Trametes Fungus { Polyporaceae }
Smooth Chanterelle Fungus { Cantharellus Lateritius ]
False Turkey Tail Fungus { Stereum }
Tiger Eye Fungus { Coltricia Perennis }
Marasmiellus Candidus Fungus
Marasmiellus Candidus Fungus
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Rafflesiana }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plan{  Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask=Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Flask-Shaped Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Ampullaria }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Albomarginata }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Albomarginata }
Pitcher Plant { Nepenthes Albomarginata }
Button Orchid { Dischidia Nummularia }
Orchidaceae Plant { Probably Graphorkis Concolor }
Ant Plant { Dischidia Raffesiana }
Climbing Plant { Rhaphidophora }
Climbing Plant { Rhaphidophora Hayi }
Climbing Plant { Rhaphidophora }
Thorny Palm { Salacca Zalacca }
Compositae Plant-Leaf { Asteraceae }
Air-Simpoh Plant Leaf { Dilleniaceae Suffruticosa }
Air Simpoh Plant Leaf { Dilleniaceae Suffruticosa }
Black Dhup Plant { Canarium Strictum }
Climbing Plant Leaf { Tetrastigma }
Ant Plant { Lecanopteris Sinuosa }
Nibong Palm Spiny Trunk { Oncospermun Sigillarium }
Nibong Palm Spiny Trunk { Oncospermun Sigillarium }
Soft-Wooden Plant { Chloranthaceae }
Rubiaceae Plant
 Schlegeliaceae or Scrophulariaceae
Shoe-Button Drupes { Ardisia Elliptica }
Shoe-Button Drupes { Ardisia Elliptica - Primilaceae }
Unknown Red Grain
Callicarpa Fruit { Lamiaceae }
Daphne Fruit { Thymelaeaceae }
Unknown Plant Fruit-Flower
Spicate Eugenia Plant Fruit { Syzygium Zeylanicum }
Unknow Plant Fruit
Fern { Davallia Davalliaceae }
Fern Stenochlaena
Spikemosses { Probably Selaginella Hordeiformis }
Bryophytes Plant
Variety of Vegetation Grows on a Rock in the Rainforest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Tree Roots in the Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Fallen Tree in the Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Disterocarp Forest and landscape
Tree Roots in the Mixed Dipterocarps Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Fallen Giant Tree in the Rainforst
Rainforest Landscape
Partial view of Dipterocarp forest from inside a cave
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Roots on the surface of the Dipterocarp forest floor
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Dipterocarp Forest and Landscape
Rainforest Landscape
Rainforest Landscape
Rainforest Landscape and Santubong Mountain View
Rainforest Landscape and Santubong Mountain View
Rainforest View and landscape
Rainforest Landscape
Mangrove Forest and Landscape
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest and landscape
Mangrove Tree
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Tree
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest and landscape
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Bridge in Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest & Landscape
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Tree
Beach Vegetation and Landscape
Beach Vegetation and Landscape
Beach Vegetation and landscape
Beach Vegetation and landscape
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation and Landscape
Beach Vegetation and Landscape
Beach Vegetation and Landscape
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Beach Vegetation
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Peat Swamp Forest & Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Sunset View
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape at Sunset
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Sunset Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Sunset Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Sunset Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape. Ocean View with Santaubong Mountai }
Cliff Vegetation and landscape
Cliff Vegatation and Sunset Landscape
Cliff Vegetation and Ladscape
Cliff Vegetation and Landscape
Honeycomb Weathering on a Rock on the Beach
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Cliff Vegetation-Landscape
Heath Forest and Landscape
Heath Forest and landscape
Heath Forest and Landscape
Santubong Mountain at Sunset
Santubong Mountain
Stormy Sunset on Santubong Mountain
Forest and Santubon Mountain View
Santubong Mountain at Sunset
Cliff, Ocean and Santubong Mountain View
Santubong Mountain seen from the River
River View and Santubong Mountain
River View and Landscape
Beach Landscape
Sunset Landscape
Sunset Landscape and Cliff Vegetation
Fisherman Spot in the River Just Minutes Before the National Park
Beach Landscape
Iron Skin Formation
Honeycomb Weathering
Sandstone Rocky Headland
Sandstone Formation and Landscape
Erosion Has Created a Scary Angry Face on a Sandstone Wall
Iron Skin Formation of Sandstone
Iron Skin Formation
Iron Skin Formation and Sandstone Landscape
Iron Skin Formation
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
Iron Formations
The Wart-Tumor on the Trunk of a Tree Takes the Shape of a Face
The Wart-Tumor on the Tree
Fiddlehead Furled Fronds
Dry Leaf with Fungus
Colored Leaf Eaten by Insects
Chewel and Fungal Leaf
Leaf with Fungus
Trunk of a Young Tree with Shades of camouflage
carlosramirophotography.comsite by Bluekea